
Ib Antoni had many exciting collaborations with customers from all over the world, including Anva, short for ANdels VArehus (meaning co-operative department store), that was a chain of department stores established in 1950 by FDB and Hovedstadens Brugsforening (both today owned by COOP). The chain was intended as a competitor to Illum and Magasin and consisted of department stores in Aalborg, Aarhus, Esbjerg, Haderslev, Hjørring, Odense and Copenhagen. In 1957, Anva opened in a new building on Axeltorv, right where the amusement establishment “National Scala” had been located.

Ib Antoni created the wonderful Christmas pattern Antoni’s Christmas, which was to be used for gift wrapping paper for the Christmas season.

As Antoni Legacy is constantly working on cleaning Ib Antoni’s beautiful original drawings, one can never know when a new illustration from Antoni’s hand will see the light of day. But when the illustration is ready for reproduction, it is added to the collection on this page, both under Products, Motifs and the client for which the motif was designed. If you have a special interest in, or further knowledge about an Antoni-illustration or an Antoni-customer, you are more than welcome to contact us.

See the products associated with Anva below.

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