Shop by theme
Here you will find various categories within the Antoni Universe. Are you looking for Christmas presents, you can click on our Christmas category. Do you love Copenhagen, then we have a category celebrating the beautiful Danish capital. Should you be on the hunt for works that Ib Antoni made with the wonderful city of Aarhus in mind, you can click on Aarhus. If there are other subjects you would be interested in looking for in the Antoni Universe, try the Search button in the top right corner – and of course you are always very welcome to write to us with a suggestion for a new category.
Dannebrog (26)
Dachshunds (34)
Aarhus (14)
Antoni's Patterns (27)
At Sea (9)
Autumn (12)
Ballet (18)
Beer (7)
Belgium (3)
Bicycles (22)
Cars (42)
Christmas (132)
Circus (13)
Collages (30)
Copenhagen (88)
Danish Furniture (23)
Danska Veckorna 1964 (27)
Denmark (96)
Denmark in Britain (17)
Dip in Dyrups' (5)
Doctors (4)
Fashion (23)
Food (57)
France (5)
Germany (5)
Great Britain (18)
Greenland (4)
H. C. Andersen (45)
Hans J. Wegner (4)
Hunting & Fishing (15)
Hygge (13)
Japan (7)
Joris Driepinter (21)
Magnat (10)
Mermaids (75)
Merry Cherry (23)
Monaco (2)
Music (25)
New York (17)
Odense (3)
Reach with LIFE (20)
Roccamore x Antoni (5)
Royal Guards (77)
Scotland (2)
Sit Down Sit Danish (36)
Space Travel (4)
Sports (2)
Spring (6)
Summer (9)
Sweden (25)
Switzerland (3)
The Anva Pixies (43)
The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs - country campaigns (136)
The Davre Series (33)
The Fisheries Museum (6)
The Netherlands (33)
The Netherlands (24)
The Resistance Movement (1)
The Royal Family (13)
The Seasons Series (35)
Tivoli (27)
Tobacco (18)
USA (27)
Vikings (11)
White Christmas (26)
Winter (16)
Wonderful Copenhagen (44)