
Ib Antoni had many exciting collaborations with customers from all over the world – including Dyrup, that manufactures paint and wood protection. In 1928, Sigurd Dyrup, Axel Monberg and Ejnar Thorsen founded the company.

We do not know when the beautiful illustrations for the series Dip i Dyrup’s were made, but the humorous motifs are still alive.

The picture you see here on the left is from Landgreven in Copenhagen, where Ib Antoni was given the task of making a Dyrup wall painting.

As Antoni Legacy is constantly working on cleaning Ib Antoni’s beautiful original drawings, one can never know when a new illustration from Antoni’s hand will see the light of day. But when the illustration is ready for reproduction, it is added to the collection on this page, both under Products, Illustrations and the client for which the illustration is designed. If you have a special interest in, or further knowledge about an Antoni-illustration or an Antoni-customer, you are more than welcome to contact us.

See the products associated with Dyrup below.

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