Aarhus Stiftstidende

Ib Antoni had many exciting collaborations with customers from all over the world, including the Danish daily “Aarhus Stiftstidende”, colloquially called “Stiften”, that was first published in 1794. In fact, it was published under the name “The most graciously royally privileged Aarhuus Stifts Address-Contoirs Times”, as the founder book printer Niels Lund in 1787 had been given the privilege (because you had to have that back then) to set up a book printing house and publish a newspaper in Aarhus. Ib Antoni drew several illustrations for Aarhus Stiftstidende, which is published today by Jysk Fynske Medier, and he lived in Aarhus, where he also started his career and Stiften was one of his early Danish customers.

The newspaper’s first home was on Mejlgade 48 and it developed throughout the 19th century into a leading provincial newspaper. In the year 1900, now under editor Th. Funch Thomsen, the newspaper grew and moved to Skolegade 7, and from there to Kannikegade 8-12 (Bispetorvet). In the years after World War II, Aarhus Stiftstidende outdid the other newspapers in Aarhus and in 1958 Antoni came in with his beautiful motif, “Latest News in Space“.

As Antoni Legacy is constantly working on cleaning Ib Antoni’s beautiful original drawings, one can never know when a new illustration from Antoni’s hand will see the light of day. But when the illustration is ready for reproduction, it is added to the collection on this page, both under Products, Motifs and the client for which the motif was designed. If you have a special interest in, or further knowledge about an Antoni-illustration or an Antoni-customer, you are more than welcome to contact us.

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